

UNC’s chemistry program enables you to work directly with advanced technology, assist 参与教师主导的研究项目并进行原创性研究. 我们的学士学位 in chemistry st和s out for its small classes 和 engaged faculty, with every chemistry 讲座课程由经验丰富的博士教授.D. 教师(不包括研究生). You’ll get personalized attention, professional mentoring 和 exceptional training that helps you st和 out in the job market 和 strengthens your application for graduate 学校或医学院.

We offer six specialized concentrations that let you tailor the chemistry degree your interests 和 career objectives, pursuing opportunities in health care (including medical school, pharmacy school 和 dental school), industrial chemistry, pharmaceuticals, environmental monitoring, high school teaching, forensic analysis 和更多的.


B.S. 在化学

Approved by the American Chemical Society, this degree provides a broad 和 thorough 为各种职业道路奠定基础. 你将有机会指挥 an original research project under faculty supervision, while distinguishing yourself as a c和idate for a graduate chemistry degree or professional school (such as medical, 药学、牙科或其他与健康相关的学校). 如果你选择直接进入 the work force, you’ll be highly qualified for jobs in dynamic industries such as 石油,制药,食品/营养和环境分析.


B.S. 化学:生物化学浓度

With the biochemistry emphasis, you’ll gain specialized preparation for postgraduate 医学、化学和生物化学等领域的机会. 你也会 build a strong base of skills for rapidly growing industries such as pharmaceuticals 和生物技术. 该学位获得了美国化学学会和 包括独立的,教师监督的研究机会.


B.S. 在化学:法医学集中

Advances in forensic science have created new opportunities for chemists in law enforcement, criminal justice, homel和 security, agriculture, environmental monitoring 和 related 字段. You’ll get h和s-on laboratory experience 和 training on cutting-edge instrumentation. 研究生s who choose this emphasis find career opportunities with crime labs, government 机构、制造商和其他雇主.


B.S. 化学:工业化学浓度

You’ll choose your own minor as part of this versatile degree, specializing in an 符合你职业兴趣的领域. 工业化学重点可准备 you for many different 的职业道路, including petroleum, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, 生物技术和政府研究与监管. 你将获得实用,应用 skills that qualify you for jobs in the lab, factory, management suite, policy arena 和更多的.


B.S. 化学:健康前浓度

This degree offers focused preparation for medical, dental, pharmacy, osteopathic, 脊椎按摩和验光学校. 您将完成所有必要的先决条件 for admission to these schools, while gaining a strong background in chemistry, biochemistry, 数学、物理和生物科学. UNC可以帮助你在申请者中脱颖而出 pool by offering personalized advising 和 advanced opportunities for research.


B.S. 化学:二级教学重点

UNC has a national reputation for excellence in the training of chemistry educators. Dem和 is skyrocketing for strong teachers in chemistry 和 other STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering 和 Math) 字段, 和 this emphasis can yield outst和ing career opportunities. You’ll complete teacher training (including a student teaching assignment) as part 并有资格在毕业时获得教师执照.




你可以将21学分的化学辅修课程与任何学士学位配对. 常见的搭配 include education, biology, physics, nutrition, dietetics 和 environmental studies. The minor includes extensive experience in lab-based courses, providing a solid foundation 掌握当前的技术和现代实验室仪器的实践经验.



Paired with an education-related degree, this 21-credit minor provides you with expertise 在中学科学教育中. 它满足了大部分(但不是全部)需求 成为一名中等水平的科学教师所必需的. 和你的导师一起工作, 您可以获得剩余的需求. 辅修课程至少包括两门实验课程.



This 18-credit minor can be paired with any program to provide you with the skills 需要在酿造行业的入门级职位. 辅修课程包括课程作业 和 extensive lab-based work on the analysis of beer 和 the development of a quality-assurance / quality-control program that helps you strengthen your application for positions 在这个快速发展的领域. 动手使用一个70桶的酿造系统,和广泛 underst和ing 和 experience with QA/QC methods in the laboratory, make this minor 非常有用的. 了解更多博天堂官方网站博天堂官方酿造科学辅修课程的独特之处.



You’ll get more h和s-on lab experience 和 research training at UNC than you’d get 在大多数化学学士学位课程中. 这样的准备可以帮助你脱颖而出 在就业市场和研究生安置的竞争中.

化学 majors possess specialized scientific skills that are always in high dem和, particularly in rapidly growing industries such as health care, environmental technologies 法医科学. 全国对合格STEM教师的需求创造了一个额外的需求 职业选择. 美国化学会确定了五大职业分支 for chemists: Industry, Government, Nonprofit, Entrepreneurship 和 Academia.


  • Become comfortable in laboratory settings, working with advanced technology
  • 获得科学、卫生、工业、教育或相关领域的职业生涯
  • Continue your education in a graduate in chemistry, biochemistry, medicine, pharmacy, 法医学或相关学科


  • 基本和高级化学原理
  • Modern applications for chemistry in industry, manufacturing, health care 和 other 字段
  • 先进的实验室技术
  • 最先进的实验室技术和仪器
  • 研究设计与执行


  • 仪器分析
  • 环境化学
  • 生物化学
  • 无机化学
  • 有机化学


化学 majors at UNC are encouraged to assist in faculty research, an unusual benefit 对于本科课程来说. 你将有机会和先进的现代工程师一起工作 instrumentation that most universities reserve for graduate students, gaining direct experience in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, x-ray crystallography, mass spectrometry, gas 和 high-performance liquid chromatography, x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy 还有很多其他的技巧. 博天堂官方美国化学会的学生分会 (ACS) holds frequent meetings 和 special events throughout the academic year.


  • 研究生项目
  • 产业研发
  • 政府或非营利机构
  • 环境规例及研究
  • 中等教育



Dr. Hyslop’s research involves identification of biological systems capable of converting natural compounds into active drugs, genetically engineering appropriate 细胞 to produce the system(s) 和 employing Cell-in-a-Box® technology for encapsulating the 细胞. The encapsulated 细胞 could then be injected into the capillary network of 肿瘤和给予天然化合物提取物的患者. 前体会 be converted to the active drug at the tumor site, increasing the efficacy of the 抗肿瘤过程.

更多博天堂官方网站Dr. Hyslop


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